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Find real estate for sale in Utah starting with 'B'.

Utah Real Estate Cities Starting With 'B'

Ballard real estate 10$454,579
Bear River City real estate 2$594,450
Beaver real estate 46$534,931
Benjamin real estate 7$1,497,407
Beryl real estate 1$130,000
Big Water real estate 22$456,666
Blanding real estate 11$398,374
Bluebell real estate 3$799,999
Bluff real estate 1$975,000
Bluffdale real estate 66$895,536
Boulder real estate 1$1,650,000
Bountiful real estate 125$1,153,518
Brian Head real estate 69$688,945
Bridgeland real estate 1$145,000
Brigham City real estate 98$637,939
Brighton real estate 23$1,571,133
Brookside real estate 6$686,666