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Lic#: RS-82743

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Realtor Associate (RA)

Languages other than English

Japanese, Korean

More about Monica Tomasa

Monica was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. She graduated with a degree
in Fashion Merchandising from Tokyo Mode Gakuen in Japan. Monica has over 20 years of fashion merchandising and retail business experience and has owned several businesses in both Hawaii and Korea. Before settling in Hawaii, Monica traveled the world and has lived in Korea, Japan, Brazil, and Paraguay. She is fluent in Korean, Japanese, and English. In her downtime, Monica is an avid golfer, volunteers with a special needs children group, and loves to help people. Monica has the “aloha spirit” and specializes in welcoming and assisting individuals and families transition to and make Hawaii their new home. She knows the difficulties newcomers face when they arrive and a friendly helping hand can make all the difference.

Let her help you make Hawaii your new home!