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NMLS#: 1598647

More about Nadine Dedier

Meet Nadine 

Becoming a knowledgeable realtor requires a combination of education, experience, and ongoing professional development.


Knowledge: I have strong knowledge of the local real estate market current inventory, pricing trends, and the factors that influence demand. I stay updated on the local market trends, regulations, and laws that govern the buying and selling of properties.

Marketing, Advertising and Property Valuation: As a realtor I am familiar with effective marketing and advertising techniques, including online advertising, social media marketing, and print advertising. I am also able to accurately value properties based on a variety of factors, including location, size, condition, and recent sales of comparable properties.

Negotiation skills: I am a skilled negotiator, and able to effectively represent my clients' interests and negotiate favorable terms for my clients.

Communication skills: I have excellent communication skills, including the ability to listen effectively, explain complex concepts in simple terms, and build rapport with my clients and other professionals.

Continuing education: I stay current to maintain my license, I regularly participate in continuing education courses and stay up to date on industry trends and changes.

Success: Satisfied customers are the key to my business. Being a successful realtor is not just about closing deals, but also about building long-term relationships with my clients and maintaining a positive reputation within the industry. 

Nadine lives and feels at home in Baltimore City, she earned her BA in Interior Design from the International academy of Design, Tampa Florida, and is a budding clay artists.