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NMLS#: 1598647


Certified Staging Consultant (CSC)

More about Sarah Dienhart

Sarah brings her years of expertise in negotiation, financial analysis, attention to detail, and friendly consultative approach to every transaction, ensuring her clients have a first-class experience throughout the entire process.

Sarah has a special talent for finding that ‘diamond in the rough.' She has the vision to help you see a home's true hidden potential in order to help you get the most for your dollar!

If you are thinking of selling your home, Sarah has inside resources, tools, and checklists to help you prepare your home in ways that will appeal to the right buyer for the maximum price. Whether your time and budget allow for decluttering, cleaning, rearranging, light staging, or professional remodeling services, she can provide you with everything you'll need to make your home stand out far above the competition in today's market.

Sarah’s passion for and expertise in Luxury properties has led to her to specialize in this segment of the real estate market. Sarah exemplifies what it means to provide outstanding service to buyers and sellers in the luxury market, completed specialized training and achieved other personal electives that advanced Sarah’s career as a luxury agent.

Sarah Dienhart is a 2020 Rising Star Real Estate Agent! Sarah is among an elite group of professionals honored with the Five Star award in the Chicago area. The Rising Star Real Estate Agent award recognizes professionals who excel in client satisfaction. All award winners are chosen after undergoing rigorous research, including client nominations and evaluations, regulatory requirements, and a review by an industry Blue Ribbon Panel.

Originally from Kansas City, Sarah made her way to Chicago after graduating from Indiana University (Go Hoosiers!!) and has lived in Arlington Heights with her family for 17+ years. When she isn’t enjoying Arlington Alfresco or walking her two dogs, Chloe and Murphy, you may find her in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, soaking up a beautiful sunset on the lake with a good Old Fashioned in hand. Oh, and if you are looking for a lake property, she can help you with that too!

Sarah is a licensed Real Estate Broker in Illinois and Wisconsin, Luxury Specialist, and Certified Staging Consultant serving clients in the North and Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, the Northwoods and the southern lake region area in Wisconsin (Lake Geneva, Delevan, Lauderdale Lakes).