CalRE#: 01154578
- Phone
(818) 439-8007 mobile
(818) 222-0023 office
(818) 205-2036 direct
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Languages other than English
Armenian, Farsi, Spanish, Turkish
More about Petros Amirkhas
Skillful negotiator, always with his clients' best interests. Residential and Investment Property Expert. 17 years real estate experience. Specializing in San Fernando Valley, Westside & Ventura County. Dynamic client service a priority.
Thorough knowledge of Los Angeles' real estate and financial markets. Buyers and sellers attest to his expertise and professionalism. Handles international business contracts. Fluent in Armenian, Farsi, Turkish and Spanish.
Certified Relocation Specialist. Received numerous outstanding agent accolades. Skillful negotiator, always with his clients' best interests.
23647 Calabasas Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302
(818) 222-0023