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Why List Your Home with Coldwell Banker?

  • $234 BILLION in Sales Volume*
  • 481,548 U.S. Transaction Sides in 2023*
  • 118 YEARS of excellence as a leader in the industry
*Based on Coldwell Banker Financial Data 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023

Coldwell Banker Affiliated Agents Are Here for You

When you choose to work with a Coldwell Banker affiliated sales associate, not only will you receive their market knowledge and real estate expertise, you’ll also receive assistance from experienced marketing professionals who will work with your agent to create and exceed impeccable standards in every aspect of your real estate journey.

Coldwell Banker Is a Name Known by Consumers Around the World

More than 100,000 affiliated agents across 40 countries and territories1

  • #1 most visited real estate brand online2
  • #1 most recognized real estate brand logo3
1. Agent count of the entire Coldwell Banker global network, as reported by franchisees and company owned offices as of Dec. 31, 2023. 2. reflects total website visits for 2022 comscore 2022 media trends. 3. 2021 lucidpress, 2021 branding survey. 91% of survey respondents correctly identifying the brokerage's logo.

Intensive Marketing Strategy

We offer one of the most powerful and comprehensive 360° property marketing programs to help get your home in front of the right buyers.

  • National brand advertising
  • Online advertising
  • Social media
  • Direct email marketing
  • “Just Listed” promotional material
  • Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program
  • MLS (multiple listing service)
  • Media relations/public relations
  • Yard signs
  • Open houses/broker opens