CalRE#: 00968127
- Phone
(925) 339-3229 mobile
(925) 837-4100 office
(925) 339-3229 direct
More about Chelle Furr
Dedicated Full-time Real Estate Professional
. Extensive knowledge of local markets. Corporate/nationwide
relocation expert
. University trained professional with a degree in
home planning and art history
. Annual enrollment in accredited real estate legal
. Dedication and commitment to client
. Meticulous attention to detail
. Award winning top negotiator
. Backed by the industry's finest real estate training
. Full-service marketing plan for sellers
. Nationwide referral system that links buyers and sellers across the country
. Commitment to excellent custom service
101 Sycamore Valley Rd West, Danville, CA 94526
(925) 837-4100