CalRE#: 01116278
- Phone
(510) 760-8400 mobile
(510) 608-7600 office
(510) 608-7691 direct
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Smart Home Certified
Languages other than English
More about Faz Binesh
Mission Statement
To be acknowledged by our clients as the real estate representative that generates trust by delivering real estate services with the highest degree of quality, value, and integrity.
- Marketing/Broker Associate, ColdwelI Banker Commercial- Present
- Marketing/Broker Associate, ColdwelI Banker Residential Real Estate- Present
- Property Management, Property Matters, Inc.- Present
- California State Broker's License.
- California State Salesperson License.
- Engineer- In- Training License.
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering.
- Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM)- Past Candidate.
- Bay East Association of Realtors.
- California Association of Realtors.
- National Association of Realtors.
- I wanted to let go of my home and walk away with no money. Faz sold
my home and I walked away with $ 40,000. By the way, we had 18 offers on the
property, and I did not pay a penny for all the damages in the home.
B.H. - If any agent can eliminate $ 450,000 lien on a $ 250,000 property, hire him/her.
Faz did it.
Z.N. - I am 84 years old now. I was given an estimate of $5,000 for some termite
damage. Faz managed to have the job done with only $1,500. I sure
could use the money I saved.
R.B. - My previous agent called me when she found out we had our home on the
market and asked why we did not call her. I told her Faz gives us all
the time we need and he works around our schedule, and you did not.
3340 Walnut Ave Ste 110, Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 608-7600