CalRE#: 01210696
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(415) 722-0676 mobile
(415) 461-3000 office
To Make A Positive Difference to the Lives of People I Touch
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More about Carol Hudson
Carol has been a Marin resident for over 40 years. She grew up in a Real Estate family in England and has been involved in sales and marketing in London, New York and San Francisco. With her high energy and a wealth of experience and negotiating skills, she is a great choice for either a Buyer or a Seller.
Organizations: Ross Valley School District, Rafael Racquet and Swim Club, St. John's Church Ross, Strawberry Recreation, Marine Humane, Hopalong Animal Rescue and Friends of the Marin County Library.
Community Involvement: The above associations, Ross Valley/Tamalpais school district fundraising and Animal Adoption.
Achievements: Top Producer with Frank Howard Allen 1998-2013 including Gold Award of Distinction, & Chairman's Circle of Excellence.
Top Producer with Coldwell Banker 2014- present. International President's Circle & Elite.
Senior Real Estate Specialist
Networking: Top Agent Network, Marin Platinum Group, Ross Valley Referral Network.
Personal Statement: Personal Attention Gets Results!
Communities Served: All of Marin County
350 Bon Air Ctr Ste 100, Greenbrae, CA 94904
(415) 461-3000