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Find real estate for sale in Maine starting with 'L'.

Maine Real Estate Cities Starting With 'L'

Lagrange real estate 9$262,418
Lake View Plantation real estate 3$658,666
Lakeville real estate 8$457,337
Lamoine real estate 11$709,895
Lebanon real estate 26$379,399
Lee real estate 5$183,760
Leeds real estate 11$262,137
Levant real estate 17$372,100
Lewiston real estate 105$354,165
Liberty real estate 13$397,158
Limerick real estate 30$337,121
Limestone real estate 13$128,673
Limington real estate 17$314,051
Lincoln real estate 32$179,272
Lincolnville real estate 22$696,454
Linneus real estate 7$265,585
Lisbon real estate 21$334,082
Litchfield real estate 17$356,495
Littleton real estate 3$326,633
Livermore real estate 11$422,911
Livermore Falls real estate 14$228,805
Long Island real estate 2$1,687,500
Lovell real estate 13$1,246,369
Lowell real estate 2$457,500
Lubec real estate 38$395,625
Ludlow real estate 1$270,000
Lyman real estate 18$465,020