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Find real estate for sale in South Carolina starting with 'C'.

South Carolina Real Estate Cities Starting With 'C'

Calabash real estate 17$323,007
Calhoun Falls real estate 1$129,900
Camden real estate 164$420,851
Cameron real estate 2$284,950
Campobello real estate 2$622,000
Cassatt real estate 14$223,059
Catawba real estate 6$343,950
Cayce real estate 74$247,676
Chapin real estate 258$404,659
Chappells real estate 4$200,150
Charleston real estate 1,200$1,485,545
Cheraw real estate 16$241,928
Cherry Grove Beach real estate 156$1,143,367
Chester real estate 60$260,279
Chesterfield real estate 8$258,700
Clarks Hill real estate 2$1,037,000
Clearwater real estate 7$148,308
Clover real estate 185$405,977
Columbia real estate 1,394$435,893
Conway real estate 1,059$320,484
Cope real estate 7$268,095
Cordesville real estate 21$524,130
Cordova real estate 6$249,050
Cottageville real estate 7$920,475
Coward real estate 1$475,000
Cowpens real estate 1$160,000
Cross real estate 19$270,959
Cross Hill real estate 1$225,000