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Find real estate for sale in Utah starting with 'B'.

Utah Real Estate Cities Starting With 'B'

Ballard real estate 15$430,605
Bear River City real estate 1$839,000
Beaver real estate 46$501,273
Benjamin real estate 7$1,437,491
Beryl real estate 1$150,000
Bicknell real estate 1$1,999,000
Big Water real estate 21$354,500
Blanding real estate 18$417,555
Bluebell real estate 3$729,000
Bluffdale real estate 57$871,498
Boulder real estate 2$1,925,000
Bountiful real estate 122$1,035,012
Brian Head real estate 74$698,012
Bridgeland real estate 1$140,000
Brigham City real estate 107$686,103
Brighton real estate 23$1,950,257
Brookside real estate 3$675,000