Sales Associate
CalRE#: 02174550
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(669) 203-7577 mobile
(408) 252-1133 office
(669) 203-7577 direct
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More about Sarah Zhao
Sarah (Mantong) Zhao 精通英文、普通话。 她拥有Johns Hopkins University的理工科背景,能够熟练使用各种数据分析工具,把握行业动向和趋势,帮助客户第一时间了解各区域的市场变化。
My clients benefit from my project management skills and obtain the best results from my honesty, trustworthiness, organizational and data analyzing skills.
I am a member of National Association of Realtors, California Association of Realtors and the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors.
19330 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-1133