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ServedVancouver, Camas, Ridgefield, Washougal, Happy Valley, Five Oaks, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, West Linn, Oregon City
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Meet Meiya
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Languages other than English
Mandarin Chinese
More about Meiya Luo
Meiya Luo
- Realtor
- Licensed in Oregon and Washington
- Languages: English Mandarin
Meiya has a tireless determination and a deep-rooted passion for real estate. She is the real deal. Meiya has worked in every aspect of the business, representing Buyers, Sellers, Luxury Homes, and Investors. Her extensive knowledge of the Pacific Northwest and the real estate market ensures winning results for her clients. Buyers cite her ability to exceed their expectations in finding their dream property.
Maya is a top producer with Coldwell Banker Bain based in Portland and the Vancouver area she joined the company in November 2016 bring it with her more than 5 years of experience in real estate complexes disposing of equity placement and recapitalizing on the commercial industrial and mixed-use property surrounding her career she has successfully executed more than 16 million dollars of the transaction per year across the Pacific Northwest and has consistently earned recognition as one of the market tops perform broker receiving industry achievements awards from Coldwell Banker International presidential circle and Costa. Her tax specialist experience helps her clients focus on 1031 exchange that's financing and capitalization with the industry's great assets they simulcast their scenery to promote transparent multi-market intelligence super access to deal flow and efficient placement of the capital inventor expectational clients’ outcomes collectively they represent the SW of Washington and Portland Oregon City market.
Meiya is also a Licensed Tax prep in Washington and Oregon, California state. Her rich experiences bring her more competitive knowledge in the real estate industry.
She is the founder of Meiya Arts Education School in Vancouver WA. has 25 years of dance arts education experience. Her life motto, as well as teaching dance, is "Your Utmost is Just Perfect!". She contributes her Performance Art Director talent to the Chinese New Year Celebration Gala every year.
Networking and communication skills and high-efficiency performance are most of her client's comments.
Awards Winning History:
2020 Global International Sterling Society-top producer
2019 Global International Sterling Society -Top Producer
2019 Global Luxury Property Specialist Certificate
2018 CB International Sterling Society - Top Producer
2017 CB International Sterling Society - Top Producer
Coldwell Banker Bain Global Luxury Property Member
Coldwell Banker Relocation Department Assigned Realtor
Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
2020 Tax specialist licensed in OR, WA,CA
2021 International President's Cercle Certificate
2022 International President's Cercle Certificate
2023 IRS Enrolled Agent and LTC of Oregon.
Meiya Luo 罗燕蕾
OR WA -Real Estate Broker
俄勒冈州和华盛顿州房产经纪人 国税局注册税务师
2013年自中国上海,怀揣着梦想,随全家在2013年移居至美国华盛顿州小温哥华市。她开创了《美雅舞蹈学校》,全年教学芭蕾,中国舞和拉丁舞;每年带学生参加华人各类大型文化活动。如当地华人新春晚会,波特兰市《兰苏园》各类主题文化演出和 全美国《I love Dance》舞蹈比赛。每年夏天,Meiya 还被波特兰教育局双语语言部特邀为波特兰公立学校暑期中文夏令营中国舞蹈教学。热衷于公益业;常年带领学生们参加综合文化节组织演出和舞蹈比赛。每年春节都为北美的华人社区文化建设贡献她的一份力量。 2016年她以优异的成绩取得了华盛顿州房地产经纪人执照,开始涉足地产行业,深入研究房产管理服务。同时她又注重细节,为客户免费提供咨询评估,家居设计,选择学校等等,她都为客人想到,做到!特兰和小温哥华房地产市场行情和投资方向。她坚信对于喜欢人文环境,紧邻大城市波特兰的小温哥华的投资和居住客户的需求是巨大的,而且会随之不断增加。并为很多客户在房产的高效投资管理提供服务。 2017年她成功取得联邦报税资格证书,为客户买卖房产同时也提供房产和报税服务,与当地产权公司,各类注册会计师和法律援助平台有着良好的合作关系。 2018 年她顺利取得了俄勒冈州房地产经纪人执照,为更多前来北美地区定居安家的客户服务,其中波特兰免消费税和华盛顿州免州收入税的双优惠政策以及依山傍水的自然生态环境吸引了很多来自高房价的地区客户来小温哥华安居乐业。
本着热情周到, 专业而敬业的房产投资和税务申报,1031 投资房交换等多种房产和税务行业的经验,使客户放心的购买, 高投资回报以及投资管理一条龙服务是她的特色之一。
- 2019年她被公司特派在犹他州PARK CITY 进行的金牌销售训练课程,获得了Coldwell Banker 国际全球豪宅市场资深经纪人证书。
- 2019年年获得CB公司国际金牌销售经纪人证书 2020年2月她又取得俄勒冈州,加州资格报税师证书.
- 2021年获得国际公司顶尖销售荣誉President's Circle Awards.
- 2022年获得国际公司总统荣誉证书President's Circle Awards.
- 2017 年荣获COLDWELL BANKER 公司星级房产销售经纪人
- 2017 年荣获COLDWELL BANKER RELO 跨国公司搬迁部指定经纪人
- 2018年荣获 COLDWELL BANKER 公司顶级房产销售经纪人
- 2018 年获得 CODLWELL BANKER RELO 跨国公司搬迁部指定经纪人
- 2019 年获得 COLDWELL BANKER 公司全球豪宅市场挂牌经纪人销售证书
- 2019 年9月获得俄勒冈和华盛顿州州商业地产经纪人资格证书
- 2019 年荣获 COLDWELL BANKER 公司顶级房产销售经纪人
- 2020 年获得 COLDWELL BANKER 公司顶级房产销售经纪人
- 2021 年1月 俄勒冈州以及联邦报税师
- 2022年1月 获得加利福尼亚州报税资格证书
- 2022年获得Coldwell Banker Realty International President's Awards
- 2023 年获得IRS EA 国税局注册税务师; LTC-俄勒冈州税务咨询师
Vancouver Downtown
500 Broadway St Ste 120, Vancouver, WA 98660-3322
(360) 892-7325
636 NW 21st Ave, Portland, OR 97209
(503) 224-7325