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Find real estate for sale in Wisconsin starting with 'M'.

Wisconsin Real Estate Cities Starting With 'M'

Madison real estate 521$715,056
Maiden Rock real estate 2$437,450
Maiden Rock Township real estate 4$502,450
Manitowoc real estate 93$333,311
Manitowoc Rapids real estate 9$560,487
Maple real estate 3$411,600
Maple Plain Township real estate 3$514,500
Marengo real estate 1$449,000
Markesan real estate 8$762,987
Marquette real estate 2$626,499
Marshfield real estate 3$214,236
Martell Township real estate 9$504,499
Mason real estate 9$341,033
Mauston real estate 36$373,390
Mayville real estate 18$268,471
McKinley real estate 1$485,000
Medary real estate 2$475,000
Medford real estate 41$252,276
Meeme real estate 2$347,450
Meenon Township real estate 5$323,780
Mellen real estate 5$291,125
Melrose real estate 3$306,666
Menasha real estate 52$352,329
Menomonee Falls real estate 64$439,040
Menomonie real estate 83$253,489
Menomonie Township real estate 68$265,615
Mequon real estate 71$689,381
Merrillan real estate 5$495,560
Merton real estate 20$502,898
Milltown real estate 12$279,766
Milton real estate 37$515,308
Milwaukee real estate 1,188$324,213
Minong real estate 23$266,615
Minong Township real estate 28$355,866
Mishicot real estate 5$222,940
Mitchell real estate 2$580,000
Modena real estate 3$214,966
Monroe real estate 46$718,650
Montello real estate 47$434,676
Mosel real estate 2$3,069,950
Mount Horeb real estate 38$490,618
Mukwa real estate 9$438,176
Mukwonago real estate 40$537,042
Muskego real estate 34$465,156